Intellectual Property Infringement

Intellectual property (IP) litigation is on the rise in the United States. Whether it be a patent relating to mobile technologies or a trademark involving a medical brand name, businesses are finding ways to protect their IP and profit drivers. This means that the number of lawsuits involving IP infringement are also on the rise.

Trade secret infringement lawsuits are also on the rise in the United States. In many instances, trade secrets are the primary profit driver for the business. Whether it be a disgruntled employee looking to misappropriate a company’s trade secrets or a competitor digitally hacking into a company’s database, a misappropriation of a company’s trade secrets can be fatal for businesses.

Vallit has extensive experience in providing expert witness services and calculating damages associated with IP infringement. Vallit team members have provided expert reports and expert testimony on a variety of damage measures including, but not limited to: (1) reasonable royalty, (2) unjust enrichment, (3) lost profits/lost value, (4) actual costs, and (5) price erosion. What separates Vallit from its competitors with respect to IP infringement damages is its extensive experience in accounting, finance and valuation principles that are required for credible damages opinions.

Learn more about IP Infrindgement in these areas...

National & International Work

While our headquarters are in the Maryland region, we have performed assignments all over the globe working with national and international law firms and their clients. Our professionals work from our offices in Annapolis, Washington D.C., and Timonium/Baltimore. Our technology allows us to work seamlessly anywhere in the world to provide best of class dispute, valuation and forensic accounting services.