Supervisor Brad Muir Obtains Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) Credential

The Managing Members at Vallit Advisors are pleased to announce that Brad Muir, Supervisor, recently earned the Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) credential.


The ABV credential is obtained after becoming a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Individuals must complete the AICPA’s ethics and valuation consulting standards courses, meet the education and business experience requirements, and complete a self-study review program and a two-part examination. These requirements include at least three years of full-time experience in business valuation and 75 hours of valuation-related continuing professional development.


Brad completed the ABV coursework and examinations in 2020. The ABV credential, representing specialized knowledge in the area of business valuation, is nationally recognized and will prove highly beneficial to Brad and to the firm.


About Brad Muir


Brad is a Supervisor at Vallit Advisors and is focused on providing dispute advisory, forensic accounting, and business valuation services to clients across various industries in a wide variety of complex matters. He has performed valuations of privately-held businesses for use in transactions, business planning, estate and gift tax planning, and litigation. Brad is a member of the AICPA’s Forensic and Valuation Services (FVS) group and a candidate member of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) in business valuation. To learn more about Brad Muir and his distinguished work, click here.


About Vallit Advisors


Vallit was formed over two years ago by Mark Norris, Charlie Rains, Chris Rosenthal and Kris Hallengren. The firm is focused solely on dispute consulting, business valuation, forensic accounting and transaction advisory services. Our senior team members have testified over 200 times in Federal, State and International courts. Our dispute expertise ranges from family law to complex commercial, intellectual property and forensic accounting matters in a wide variety of industries. Outside of disputes, our valuation reports are relied on by estate and trust attorneys, business owners and auditors for tax, transactional and financial reporting purposes. The firm provides services throughout the US and internationally from our offices in Maryland, Washington D.C. and Denver.

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Providing a Clear View of The Financial Picture

Vallit is focused solely on dispute consulting, business valuation and forensic accounting. Our senior team members have testified over 200 times in Federal, State and International courts. Our dispute expertise ranges from family law to complex commercial and intellectual property matters in a wide variety of industries. In non-disputes, our valuation reports are relied on by estate and trust attorneys, auditors, and business decision makers for tax, financial reporting and transaction purposes.